Native Skywatchers – Kapemni Dance 


Kapemni: As Is It Above; It Is Below
At the Doorway of Light, Sound, Space, and Movement

Join us for a storytelling motion
media dance performance featuring D(L)akota and Ojibwe Indigenous
astronomy with immersive, experiential, interactive animation projection
art, and sky and Earth soundscapes. The performance explores the
D(L)akota teaching Kapemni, which translates “As it is above, it is
below” (trans. Albert White Hat Sr.).

Students in the Dance Program at
South High School tell the story through movement that “we come from the
stars” and perform their interpretation of the Kapemni concept, as
shared by Annette S. Lee, in this collaborative piece.

This project is a collaboration
between Native Skywatchers and South High School’s Dance Program and its
All Nations Program, supporting students to lead Native narrative
change. Dance team led by Instructor Nancy Nair, Animation and Sound
Design by Annette S. Lee.

This is an in-person performance at the Bell Museum and included in the cost of regular admission.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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