Stringwood Young Artists Concert 


Stringwood is a premier summer music intensive, held annually at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, that specializes in connecting young musicians to chamber music as an art form, and developing expression through collaborative performances. Participation in Stringwood is by audition and recommendation only.

Young musicians from across the country and around the world, ages 12-22, who aspire to making a significant contribution to their art through in-depth study and meaningful performances participate each year. 2019 marks Stringwood's 20 year anniversary and Chatfield Center for the Arts is thrilled to showcase this year's emerging talent on the stage of Potter Auditorium.

Potter Auditorium (all seating is general admission). Doors open at 2:30pm, Concert at 3pm.

Admission to this special community event is free. A suggested donation of $5-10 per person online or at the door encouraged. Although there is no cost for tickets and seating is general admission, we appreciate reserving tickets in advance to help give us gauge attendance.


The dates for this event have passed. No future dates are available at this time.
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