Cocktails & Candy
Cocktails and Candy, a classy spin on adult trick or treating with Ladies on the Loose is on November 7th from 10am - 2pm.
Show up early and enter to win your very own Swag Bag, which will get you extra goodies at each shop! Hosted by a local business in historic downtown Zimmerman enjoy a full day of... Great shopping. Great Food, and Great Friends. Learn about all of the unique, fun shops in Zimmerman!
Shoutout the Secret Word "Cheers", at participating shop and get these specials:
■ Zimmerman Floral & Gifts
■ AshleyTaylor Salon Spa
■ Rustic Rooster -
■ The Tattooed Lady - 15% off Artwork
■Zimmerman Home and Garden Center
■ The drawing will be held @ Zimmerman Bowling
Stamp cards need to be turned in before 2:15
Drawing held at 2:30.